Tagged questions

Which Bruker HMBC program do you use?

7 2 10494
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Hello, Here are Bruker hmbc pulse programs (produced by ls *hmbc*): hmbcacbigpl2ndqf hmbcacgplpqf hmbcetgpl2nd hm...
Posted: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 / Updated: Arkadiusz Leniak 238 May 31 '14 at 15:21

What does ph2:r statement do in Bruker pulse programs

3 1 6k
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Found a following statement in the pulse program called selnogp p12:sp2:f1 ph2:r What does this do - specifically las...
Posted: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 / Updated: Pete Gierth 401 Aug 06 '10 at 11:05

calculating power level with stdisp

2 2 8k
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For some reason the shape tool has some sort of glitch that I can't calculate a power level for a wurst 10 ms pulse 180 ...
Posted: roseyp 46 / Updated: djh 1 Aug 11 '11 at 04:14

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